function redeemAndRemove(address to, uint256 chainId, contract IERC20 token, uint256 amount, uint8 liqTokenIndex, uint256 liqMinAmount, uint256 liqDeadline) external nonpayable
Wraps redeemAndRemove on SynapseBridge Relays to nodes that (typically) a wrapped synAsset ERC20 token has been burned and the underlying needs to be redeeemed on the native chain. This function indicates to the nodes that they should attempt to redeem the LP token for the underlying assets (E.g "swap" out of the LP token)
function redeemAndSwap(address to, uint256 chainId, contract IERC20 token, uint256 amount, uint8 tokenIndexFrom, uint8 tokenIndexTo, uint256 minDy, uint256 deadline) external nonpayable
Wraps redeemAndSwap on SynapseBridge.sol Relays to nodes that (typically) a wrapped synAsset ERC20 token has been burned and the underlying needs to be redeeemed on the native chain. This function indicates to the nodes that they should attempt to redeem the LP token for the underlying assets (E.g "swap" out of the LP token)